Run of price volatility in the QLD Region on Sunday evening 15th May 2022
A short note to mark this evening's volatility in the QLD region.
A short note to mark this evening's volatility in the QLD region.
Earlier today, Josh Stabler spoke at the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) conference in Melbourne about "the timeline of energy scarcity'. His presentation focused on rising spot...
One (of many) dispatch intervals this morning with extreme price volatility.
After last night's volatility in SA, sustained high prices have been on the menu again. With the SA spot price in quadruple digits for most of the past...
I’ve already noted about the appropriateness of holding the EUAA National Conference this week … with gas and electricity spot prices being elevated as they have been in...
The ‘N-RVYS_2’ Constraint Set continues, with delays in the outage compared with expectations last week.
The EUAA is holding its National Conference this week in Melbourne, and we're looking forward to being there. Elevated prices (which we have seen a lot of recently)...
A brief look, this morning, at the (briefly) forecast Load Shedding (i.e. LOR3) conditions for this Thursday 12th May 2022 in South Australia
Thursday 5th May 2022 again sees volatility in QLD and NSW
A first after-the-fact review of the price volatility seen in QLD and NSW on Tuesday evening, 2nd May 2022. What were some of the causal factors?
Evening volatility re-occurs - in QLD and NSW on Wednesday 4th May 2022
A first look at the extended outage of Loy Yang A2 in Victoria following an electrical fault on Not-So-Good Friday, 15th April 2022.
Guest author Carl Daley from EnergyByte provides this summary of record-setting spot price outcomes throughout April. Carl also looks at how generator outages, rising global LNG and thermal...
A short article about some coal quality issues at Millmerran Power Station flowing out of this year's La Nina rain event.
A short note about this evening's price volatility in QLD and NSW with tight supply-demand balance caused by import limitations (amongst other things).
An article looking briefly at a burst in volatility in QLD and NSW ... and also at a mysterious drop in Available Generation in QLD.
A quick record of some evening volatility in QLD on Thu 28th April 2022.
A brief note in the lead-up to a deeper dive into GenInsights21 for AEC Members next week, on Tuesday 26th April 2022.
A trend of daily stats for Wandoan South BESS since July 2021, and a question about why it (seems to be) so slow to get up and running....
Taking a look on the demand side of the equation, to see what was visible of demand side responses during the tight supply/demand balance period in Queensland on...