Price volatility in SA on August 1, 2023
Light winds and a constrained interconnector contributed to elevated prices on 1 August 2023.
Light winds and a constrained interconnector contributed to elevated prices on 1 August 2023.
A quick note on WattClarity to tie in an update (earlier this month) from CS Energy on the rebuild of the cooling tower for Callide C3 and C4.
Kate Summers gave the keynote address for the "System and market design for a high renewables future" session at the CEC's Clean Energy Summit earlier this week. This...
Inertia is an important concept to understand as the technology mix in the NEM evolves during the energy transition. In this article, Jonathon Dyson talks about the importance...
One year on from a market-wide suspension, Dan Lee provides a review of Q2 prices for 2023 so that we can examine some of the longer-term price trends.
Friday 14th July 2023 sees some media articles and commentary about several coal-fired generators running longer than previously thought, as the energy transition hits some speed bumps.
A quick look at the new all-time record for wind production, NEMwide, on Friday evening 7th July 2023
Looks like we're ramping up to a new all-time maximum for NEM-wide wind production ... perhaps?
A quick look at elevated prices mid afternoon on Monday 3rd July 2023.
After having had an extended break abroad, the coverage from last week's AEW event provided a unique opportunity to check back in with the energy market from an...
It appears that the NEM-wide wind production record was broken again, and then again, over the weekend. A quick look at wind output for each region to see...
Earlier LOR conditions forecast for SA this morning did not eventuate to an actual, but the region was hit with a short run of price spikes.
A brief summary of how the LOR forecast for South Australia tomorrow evening (and later in the week) has evolved throughout today.
With Q2 drawing to a close, we're gearing up to produce GenInsights Quarterly Update for this quarter. Timely to look back at Q1 at what was reported about...
AEMO is currently forecasting LOR2 for South Australia next week.
A quick article recording what's an increasingly rare occurrence ... high prices in mid-afternoon.
A quick report on some market volatility in QLD and NSW on Wednesday 21st June 2023.
The 'Australian Energy Week' conference this week in Melbourne, and the NEM this evening has given a real-time example of some energy transition challenges.
A second short article (this one with the benefit of 'next day public' data) looking at the whiplash on VIC1-NSW1 on Sunday 18th June 2023.
On Monday 19th June the AEMO published a Market Notice relating to Industrial Action at Longford.