AEMO publishes ‘Scheduling Error Report’ related to problems experienced on 10th August 2022
Also this week, the AEMO published a report about the glitch in the dispatch process that occurred back on 10th August 2022.
Also this week, the AEMO published a report about the glitch in the dispatch process that occurred back on 10th August 2022.
Third article today about major outages - this one looking at current expectations for RTS for Loy Yang A2 after some apparent slippage.
Spurred by the extended outage at Kogan Creek, we also take a quick look at current expectations for Callide C4.
One of many articles in the AFR this week flagged an extension of major outage on Kogan Creek Power Station. In this article we take a quick initial...
A short initial article to flag market volatility on Wednesday 10th August 2022 which sees ENERGY prices elevated (particularly TAS) and also Contingency FCAS prices at MPC
A short article about loss of supply to customers in western NSW (in the 'West Murray' area) early Monday morning, and and tripping of a number of generation...
Now that we're past Market Suspension, we take a look back and see file creation latency improve prior to the end of Market Suspension.
A short article about the AER's publication (on 1st July 2022) of some updated information to help Semi-Scheduled generators understand their obligations.
In parallel to the 'Energy Crisis 2022' (and perhaps related to it, in some ways) we see a step change decline in the performance of the timeliness of...
A first look at the extended outage of Loy Yang A2 in Victoria following an electrical fault on Not-So-Good Friday, 15th April 2022.
A short note about the AEMO preliminary report, published 16th March 2022 - into the TAS market suspension on 1st March 2022.
A short note about the AEMO preliminary report, published 4th March 2022 - into the SA market suspension on 18th February 2022.
This afternoon the AEMO alerted of a market suspension in the TAS region, which coincided with the failure of two undersea fibre cables that caused parts of the...
Following the article on Tuesday 15th February about 'blow-out in file creation latency', in this article we update stats for the past week ... but also look as...
A quick note about the brief Market Suspension in South Australia on Friday afternoon, 18th February 2022.
Over the past 2 weekends in February (in particular) we have noticed AEMO's file creation time for 'P5MIN' files has increased significantly (and this has caused challenges for...
Here's a snapshot of the ‘Unit Dashboard’ widget in ez2view of the HPRG1 unit (i.e. the pre-IESS generation side DUID for the Hornsdale Power Reserve) on Monday 13th...
Some price volatility in South Australia on Monday 13th December 2021
A short article (in the midst of GenInsights21 completion) more broadly sharing 2 good news stories from AEMO in the context of the NEMDE dispatch process.
Another set of 'file creation' data for the P5 Predispatch prepared by one of our team yesterday (Monday 15th November) suggests the file creation latency issues we highlighted...