Which units are still offline in NSW and QLD, as of 3:30pm on 27th Nov 2024
A quick look at our generator outages widget from ez2view, to see which units are still offline as of 3:30pm on Wednesday 27th November 2024.
A quick look at our generator outages widget from ez2view, to see which units are still offline as of 3:30pm on Wednesday 27th November 2024.
Given the tight supply-demand balance forecast for NSW and QLD this week, it’s worth revisiting the ‘Generator Outages’ widget in ez2view at 15:35 on Sunday 24th November 2024...
A quick look at several different coal-fired units, via the 'Generator Outages' widget in ez2view.
On Tuesday morning 21st May 2024 the Vales Point 6 unit has returned to service, ~2 days earlier than earlier expectations.
A Tuesday morning article, looking ahead to forecasts of LOR2 (tight supply-demand balance) for NSW on Thursday evening 29th February 2024
With ez2view v9.8.5.1 released yesterday (Tue 30th Sept 2023) with enhancements to 'Generator Outages' we take the opportunity of some questions about Kogan Creek Power Station to have...
Yesterday (Wed 18th Oct 2023) Origin Energy held its Annual General Meeting, with discussion wide-ranging. Here's two things that jumped out to me about the Eraring Power Station,...
A short note about the publication of a richer MT PASA DUID Availability data set in ez2view v9.8 - made possible as a result of the other change...
It does not happen often, so when receiving 4 different 'coal unit off' alerts within 24 hours, we thought we would take a look ...
Answering a reader question (about the current outage at Millmerran unit 2) with some pictures in an article on WattClarity.
Latest data from AEMO (from Fri 14th April) suggests Liddell unit 4 might close a couple days later than when we'd looked in February.
QLD looks like it will be without Callide's C3 unit until at least February 2023.
Prompted by a few media questions (on a day when all 4 units were offline together for about 3 hours), have taken a quick look at the status...
Alerted via an ABC news article, we take a quick look at Callide C3.
Prompted by a comment by a WattClarity reader, I've taken a quick look at Loy Yang A2 for the past week.
A quick look (for Tue 14th June) of which of the coal units are expected to return to service in the coming week.
A quick look at this morning's volatility - and also with respect to coal unit availability prior to the expected tight conditions this evening.