What happened yesterday (Fri 20th Dec 2019) in the Victorian Region? A first look…
A first look back at yesterday (Friday 20th December 2019) in the Victorian region - where we saw extreme temperatures, high demand across VIC and SA and (perhaps...
A first look back at yesterday (Friday 20th December 2019) in the Victorian region - where we saw extreme temperatures, high demand across VIC and SA and (perhaps...
Took 2-3 times longer than planned (as there were a few different interesting observations that came out) but here is our initial - and perhaps only! - review...
Taking a quick look at what's forecast for the Victorian region tomorrow, with LOR2-level Low Reserve Condition forecast.
With Queensland temperatures (even at the Brisbane airport) exceeding 40 degrees Celcius today, the electricity demand was also high - though still below the all-time record.
42 months after I posted some initial thoughts about "the opacity of rooftop PV" it seems that - when viewed in certain ways, discussed here - the problem...
Four weeks ago, we observed a significant discrepancy between AEMO's forecast for (what would have been) a record low point for Scheduled Demand in South Australia and what...
With summer 2019-20 fast approaching, we'll use the refresher on the two core components of risk (probability and consequence) to unpick what the real issue is with respect...
A simple refresher on two core components that combine in order to define risk - probability and consequence.
A first (and perhaps only - as this took longer than initially planned) walk through some of the interesting points of what happened yesterday (Sat 16th Nov 2019)...
There are a number of reasons why we're completing the analysis we are sharing via WattClarity - here are two big ones.
Third case study in a growing series - on this occasion looking at the (extreme - and possibly excessive?) lengths taken by Tailem Bend Solar Farm to avoid...
Readers at WattClarity might recall that we have asked the question above a couple of times in recent weeks – and a big thanks to those who responded...
Lowest point seen today since the start of the NEM (excluding the SA System Black) for the South Australian region.
Our second Case Study in a recent series, aimed to help us explore ways to continue the pushing the development of ez2view forward, but also shared with readers...
A quick look at what would have been a new "lowest ever" point for SA Scheduled Demand today at 12;30 ... if the AEMO forecast had held to...
Better late than never (perhaps?) today I post a few thoughts about the AEMC's proposed draft rule change for the incorporation of NegaWatts into centralized dispatch.
An email alert from NEMwatch (noting Scheduled Demand under 500MW in South Australia today) distracts us, and prompts us to dig a little deeper at the longer-term trend.
Thursday 10th October 2019 presented another day of many negative price events in the QLD region. In this Case Study (prepared for dual purposes) we look at how...
Some operations at Stanwell Power Station unit 1 in the past couple weeks caught our attention, and are presented as a useful illustration of some concepts related to...
Last minute complications mean that I cannot speak at today's "Queensland Smart Energy Summit" (with Jonathon Dyson being an even better substitute). Here are some of the observations...