RERT dispatched in QLD – at 17:30 on Friday 3rd February 2023

At 15:31 on Friday 3rd February the AEMO published Market Notice 105586 about RERT (Reserve Trader) being dispatched in the QLD region as follows:



From : AEMO
Creation Date : 03/02/2023 15:31:38


Notice ID : 105586
Notice Type Description : Reserve Contract / Direction / Instruction
Issue Date : 03/02/2023
External Reference : RERT DISPATCHED


Reason :


AEMO Intervention Event, Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) – QLD1 Region- 03/02/2023

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice no. 105556
AEMO has dispatched/activated reserve contract(s) to maintain the power system in a Reliable operating state.
The reserve contract(s) was dispatched/activated at 17:30 hrs 03/02/2023 and is forecast to apply until 20:30 hrs 03/02/2023
AEMO has implemented an AEMO intervention event for the duration the reserve contract(s) is dispatched/activated/
To facilitate the RERT process, constraints commencing with the following identifiers may be evident at various times in dispatch,


Manager NEM Real Time Operations


About the Author

Dan Lee
Dan is a Market Analyst, who joined Global-Roam in June 2013. He departed (and returned) for a couple of brief stints overseas, before rejoining the team permanently in late 2019. Alongside his work at Global-Roam, he has undertaken short-term contract roles as an analyst and researcher in various areas of the energy sector. Dan graduated from the Master of Sustainable Energy program at the University of Queensland in 2024.

1 Comment on "RERT dispatched in QLD – at 17:30 on Friday 3rd February 2023"

  1. RERT used to cost less than $5 million per event but now it can be more than 10 times that for a single RERT event…. all ultimately paid for by consumers. This is all happening before the first coal generator retires in Queensland and BEFORE desalination becomes Southeast Queensland’s new source of drinking water. Imagine being dependent on desalination (liquid electricity) for your water supply. Probably why Dubai doesn’t run on solar!

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