QLD minimum demand drops lower still on Sunday 14th August 2022
A short note on Sunday 14th August 2022 with electricity demand in QLD hitting new low points.
A short note on Sunday 14th August 2022 with electricity demand in QLD hitting new low points.
Another interesting development (briefly) on Wed 10th August was forecast load shedding for South Australia on Monday 15th August 2022
A short initial article to flag market volatility on Wednesday 10th August 2022 which sees ENERGY prices elevated (particularly TAS) and also Contingency FCAS prices at MPC
A belated and back-dated article to point to the EnergyAustralia Media Release of 8th August 2022 following the Energy Crisis.
QLD 'Market Demand' is dropping past prior low point (excluding 25th May 2021 with the loss of load).
The 'all time maximum wind production' record has been increased again (actually twice) during this windy spell.
On Monday 1st August 2022 we provided a presentation to the CEC's Market & Grid Directorate
The AEMO publishes its Quarterly Energy Dynamics (QED) every quarter, but on many occasions we don’t note it here on WattClarity®. In this instance, we thought it was...
On Friday morning 29th July 2022 the AEMO is releasing its 'Quarterly Energy Dynamics' for Q2 2022 - I've flipped through an embargoed copy and have highlighted here...
A quick record of some morning volatility in South Australia before the sun rises (second morning in a row)
A short article about loss of supply to customers in western NSW (in the 'West Murray' area) early Monday morning, and and tripping of a number of generation...
AEMO has directed two gas-fired generators in Victoria offline due to suspected gas supply limitations.
AEMO issues another 'Threat to System Security' notice for the gas market ... which might flow through to electricity.
Saturday evening saw a new all-time record for aggregate wind farm production across the NEM.
A short note about prices spikes occurring in the four mainland NEM regions simultaneously this evening.
A quick record of spot price volatility on Monday evening, 11th July 2022.
Now that we're past Market Suspension, we take a look back and see file creation latency improve prior to the end of Market Suspension.
On 4th July the AEMC published their second 'Notice of Receipt of Claims' with respect to compensation under the Administered Pricing period in June 2022.
A short article about the AER's publication (on 1st July 2022) of some updated information to help Semi-Scheduled generators understand their obligations.
A quick look at this morning's volatility in South Australia.