Prices yo-yo in SA this morning, as installed capacity goes missing

Following yesterday’s warnings about the potential for a tight supply/demand balance in South Australia this week, it was not really a surprise when the SMS alerts from NEM-Watch began buzzing for the 07:20 dispatch interval this morning (NEM time), highlighting that the dispatch price in SA had jumped to $12,199.20/MWh. This has continued through the morning.

Winter 2013 in the NEM

A collection of analysis, observations and commentary about what we see (and have time to comment on) in terms of winter 2013 in Australia’s National Electricity Market

Estimating Hedge Levels

In my third post, I look at hedge levels – and how to infer them. Hedge levels will, to a large extend, define bidding behaviour unless there are physical issues with the plant.

Areas of deeper analysis

Posting commentary on WattClarity meets certain customer needs – but there are occasions where deeper analysis is warranted (and requested by our customers). Where we publish more comprehensive reports, they will be listed here.

Retail Electricity Prices

Historically most of our posts have been based on observations about the wholesale market.  More recently we have also begun to have a look at retail prices, more directly. Here’s some articles on the topic.