QLD Market Demand for 17:30 lands at ‘only’ 9750MW (Fri 3rd Feb 2023)
(Not even) close ... but no cigar. Actual level of Market Demand in QLD for 17:30 is about 10% below what the most extreme forecast thought it might...
(Not even) close ... but no cigar. Actual level of Market Demand in QLD for 17:30 is about 10% below what the most extreme forecast thought it might...
Today (Fri 3rd February 2023) is an illustration of the inherent difficulties in 'successfully' forecasting electricity demand!
Second price spike in QLD today above $1,000/MWh ... with more to continue?
With demand beginning to rise sharply output at Queensland's four wind farms has been muted so far this afternoon.
The rain and cloud cover is delivering (amongst other things) a faster-than-expected drop in aggregate solar production in QLD.
The RERT has been dispatched for 5:30PM this afternoon in Queensland
QLD may be down 200MW of available generation with record demand currently being forecast for late this afternoon.
Another article today presenting 12 hours of history of System Frequency (to ~14:00 on Friday 3rd February 2023) with a few questions added. Comments welcome!
An AEMO market notice from yesterday afternoon declares that an extra 50MW has been made available on the QNI interconnector.
AEMO starts the Reserve Trader process for the QLD region this evening (Fri 3rd Feb 2023).
Declan Kelly thinks through and discusses competition issues that could arise from the increasing proliferation of auto-bidding software by big batteries in the NEM - and suggests some...
Prompted by a question by a client in a training session for a new ez2view user, guest author Allan O'Neil has written 2,940 words to explain the price...