Price volatility returns to the Queensland region
A quick look at some more volatility experienced in the Queensland region on Wednesday 23rd October
Collections of events that we see happening in the NEM, categorised in terms of the seasons in which they occur.
A quick look at some more volatility experienced in the Queensland region on Wednesday 23rd October
The dispatch price in Queensland spiked to $1,500/MWh at 18:25 and again at 22:40 yesterday evening – triggering jitters in some who fear a return to the volatility of summer 2013.
A quick look at the long-run trend in output at Origin Energy’s large Mortlake plant in western Victoria.
A correction about Tamar Valley’s drop in production – and some further thoughts.
Despite consistently averaging monthly output of up to 200MW for a number of years, the Tamar Valley power station has been mothballed following an ownership change
An updated animation of 20th December 2012 focused on the Queensland region – a volatile day for that region.
Despite some high temperatures around Sydney today, electricity demand remained subdued.
Some recent changes in the MT PASA forward view of available generation capacities in NSW seem to imply that the declining demand might have taken another victim.
Today (Wednesday 24th July) we note how the Queensland lunchtime electricity demand is stuck in the blue zone – the uptake of solar PV, and a sunny day for Clean Energy Week, would be part of the reason.
Wind generation on some days in the past 2 weeks supplied a big percentage of SA demand – but not (on a daily basis, at least) near the 90% level.
Here’s another animated case study of one more interesting time that occurred through summer 2013 in Queensland – on this occasion the evening of Saturday 12th January 2013.
Five thought-provoking questions about what really happened in Queensland over summer 2013 – and the supplementary question about what it all means for the future.
Beginning prior to 7am and progressing through the morning of Wednesday 2nd January 2013, there was significant volatility in the Queensland region of the National Electricity Market – including four spikes at or above $1,000/MWh.
Here’s a walk-through of how it unfolded, with some pointers to some of the contributing factors.
An animation of 90 minutes this morning where the price gyrated wildly in response to a trip at Yallourn, and numerous subsequent reactions by market participants and the AEMO.
A cold evening in the NEM, and yet demand can’t make it past 30,000MW – which would have been quite startling 4 or 5 years ago (but not now, as demand has been declining for a number of reasons).
Following from a period of elevated prices in South Australia, prices dropped on Thursday. Here’s some reasons why…
Spot Prices in South Australia were elevated over the past 7 days – here are some reasons why.
It appears, from this high-level analysis, that events in the State of Origin mapped to changes in electricity demand across Brisbane last night.
Following yesterday’s warnings about the potential for a tight supply/demand balance in South Australia this week, it was not really a surprise when the SMS alerts from NEM-Watch began buzzing for the 07:20 dispatch interval this morning (NEM time), highlighting that the dispatch price in SA had jumped to $12,199.20/MWh. This has continued through the morning.
It’s not looking that great, currently, for the supply/demand balance in South Australia this week – when viewing predispatch, ST PASA and AEMO’s Market Notices