Failure to satisfy the LRET – Prospects and Implications
Some considerations, posted by guest author Andrew George, about the Large-Scale Renewable Energy Target Scheme
Some considerations, posted by guest author Andrew George, about the Large-Scale Renewable Energy Target Scheme
Some further analysis of different aspects of wind farm output in South Australia
Yesterday evening the revised RET legislation passed the upper house. Today guest author (Miles Prosser) provides recollections of the twists and turns in the policy landscape of Australia's...
Nigel Morris talks through his recent presentation at the EUAA forum in Brisbane about the ups and downs of Australia's "solarcoaster" ride
Following from several earlier articles, Core Energy provides their view of the future of gas use in power generation
Some analysis performed by one of our guest authors (Ric Brazzale) identifying the significant factors that contributed to declining demand in the NEM through 2014.
A few quick pointers (on New Year's Eve) about where peak demand might land this summer in Tasmania - so you have a chance at winning Competition #6
A quick look at how aggregate wind farm output has trended, over the history of the NEM
A quick look at what a four-legged horse race does to electricity demand
To augment today's article in the Australian Financial Review, here's an illustration of the growing oversupply.
Several things we've noticed about what's been changing in the electricity retail landscape in Australia's electricity markets.
Some analysis of carbon emissions for large generation portfolios in the NEM, and comparison with prior post about wind production levels.
A different look at the numbers suggests that AGL Energy does have some green credentials...
Following last week's analysis of EnergyAustralia's larger portfolio we do the same thing for AGL Energy (including Macquarie Generation)
Following the article in the FinReview today about EnergyAustralia...
Some thoughts about solar PV, and energy efficiency, and the effects they seem to be producing at home.
Some assorted thoughts about the RET, and the RET Review process currently underway
GSES recently gave a presentation at the APVI workshop in Brisbane as part of the International Battery Association conference. The content of the presentation would be of interest...
A thought-bubble, triggered by the recent knock-back at the ACCC of AGL's bid to acquire Macquarie Generation
Second article by Paul Taliangis (of Core Energy) looking at some of the broader changes at work in the NEM.