About ERM’s two rule change proposals in at the AEMC
Two earlier articles today prompt this follow-on piece, specifically focusing on what's being requested by ERM Power in two separate rule change requests relating to the MT PASA...
Two earlier articles today prompt this follow-on piece, specifically focusing on what's being requested by ERM Power in two separate rule change requests relating to the MT PASA...
Another weekend reviewing progress on the Generator Statistical Digest 2019 (nearing completion) and I thought it would be of interest to share some insights about Loy Yang A...
Guest author, Tristan Edis, looks particularly at the Queensland Region of the NEM, and an almost complete stop in the development of new renewables projects.
A quick look at what would have been a new "lowest ever" point for SA Scheduled Demand today at 12;30 ... if the AEMO forecast had held to...
Guest author (and power system control specialist), Kate Summers, looks at what's changed since she published a paper on frequency control in the NEM back in January 2017.
An email alert from NEMwatch (noting Scheduled Demand under 500MW in South Australia today) distracts us, and prompts us to dig a little deeper at the longer-term trend.
Our various dashboard views of the NEM (NEMwatch, ez2view and deSide) have been showing what's seemed like increasing numbers of zero and negative prices in the NEM recently...
AEMO releases its Electricity Statement of Opportunities today, with an initial flurry of press coverage. Another reminder of heightened risk that the NEM is increasingly facing...
Last week the AEMO released a draft of the Marginal Loss Factors (MLFs) that would apply to both generation and loads connected to the NEM. This page on...
AGL released its investor presentation yesterday - several people flagged the availability stats within the presentation (they knew we were looking at aspects of reliability for our Generator...
Guest author, Tristan Edis, takes a look at the changing pattern of generation by fuel type in 2018
A comment made by TransGrid at the Energy Networks 2018 conference today jolted me to update my (somewhat) outdated paradigm of declining demand.
Here's a chronological record of key aspects of government involvement in the generation sector within Queensland.
The wholesale cost of electricity has risen (too fast, too high) in recent years. However let's not let ourselves be conned into believing that this has arisen, now,...
The National Electricity Market (NEM) is designed to operate at 50 Hz. Frequency deviation occurs when generation and load are mismatched. It is important in a lightly meshed...
When markets operate normally, a sharp rise in the price of any commodity triggers a boom in exploration, development and new supply. But this is not seeming to...
A quick look at first output of Barcaldine Solar Farm - as a segue into consideration of what we see as an "audacious" 50% by 2030 ambition.
The three main flaws that put boundaries on the usefulness of all forecasting/modelling
After an AEMO notice of Low Reserve Condition this summer and next in the south, I had a quick look...
Cast your mind back 15 years to 2016. You probably don’t remember this, but 15 years ago people still debated whether the growth of distributed energy would fundamentally...