More court action about ‘the Brady Report’ for Callide C4
Two news articles in recent days in the Australian (with respect to Federal Court deliberations about Callide C4) prompt this latest article.
Some key events in the NEM that carried long-term implications
Two news articles in recent days in the Australian (with respect to Federal Court deliberations about Callide C4) prompt this latest article.
Almost 2.5 years since we released GenInsights21, today we're publishing this article that contains a precis of the analysis included as Appendix 27 under the title 'Exploring Wind...
Reflecting on the transmission tower failures in Victoria in February, a group of researchers from the University of Melbourne have put together this summary of what the long-term...
Another update from the Australian during the week with respect to the Federal Court proceedings with respect to Callide C (particularly unit C4).
A few separate questions about Callide C3 and C4 in recent days prompts this short status update on both units.
That same reader has helped point out that temporary towers brought the Moorabool Sydenham No2 500 kV line back into service on Wed 6th March 2024 (following No1...
A reader has helped point out that temporary towers brought the Moorabool Sydenham No1 500 kV line back into service on Sun 25th Feb 2024 (with No2 line...
AEMO's preliminary operating incident report for what happened on Tuesday 13th February 2024 is available now.
In light of another transmission tower collapse caused by convective wind gusts, we've invited wind loading expert Dr John Holmes to explain this phenomena.
Perhaps unrealised by many, but Tuesday afternoon's events in Victoria resulted in a new record low in terms of number of coal units being online in the region,...
In this article we’ll have a first pass at what happened in Victoria on Tuesday 13th February 2024 at a DI-by-DI level ... which we call ‘Timeline #1’...
An an elevated risk of the contingent disconnection of Distributed PV resurfaces for SA on 15 February 2024 with market notice 114743.
Market notice 114741 cancelled the notice of a high risk of curtailment of distributed PV in SA on 15 February 2024.
Following on just one day after CS Energy released an abridged report on the failure of Callide C4, the AFR reports about insurance problems.
What happened yesterday (Tue 13th Feb 2024) in Victoria was a significant event in the history of the NEM - and the flow on effects will be felt...
The sixth transmission tower failure within the NEM in almost four years, has prompted further questions about the physical network and its resilience to severe convective winds.
A follow up on the (bumpy) return to service for Loy Yang A2
Today CS energy has released a detailed insight into what happened to the C4 unit that caused the major failure.
Callide C3 is back in the news today, with Australian Energy Regulator taking legal action against Callide Power Trading in the Federal Court.
Late afternoon Monday 29th January 2024 (thanks to Nick Evans) we became aware that the Federal Court had ruled on docket number QUD541/2023 relating to Callide C4 and...