How severe thunderstorms impact energy infrastructure
Ashleigh Madden of WeatherZone explores how thunderstorms damage transmission and whether a trend of these related weather events exists.
Ashleigh Madden of WeatherZone explores how thunderstorms damage transmission and whether a trend of these related weather events exists.
A short record of a significant power outage in Western Australia in January 2024.
Fifth article for Monday 14th November 2022 ... taking a quick initial look at the sequence of events immediately around the islanding in South Australia on Saturday 12th...
Second article in a growing series about the islanding of South Australia from Saturday 12th November 2022.
This article - Part A of a 2 part series - reviews how rooftop PV output varied and considers its influence on Queensland demand on the 1st and 2nd...
QLD demand is climbing closer to an 'all time maximum' on Tuesday 2nd February 2022 ... but an afternoon storm might cool things off.
A short note about the storms that left approximately 500,000 people without power in Victoria on Friday 29th october 2021
Yesterday I received a call from the people at PV Magazine who were preparing for the ‘Virtual Roundtables Europe 2020’ event on this week in Germany – i.e....
Following yesterday's dust storms, today's rain (and hail) also sweep through NSW to dampen production from solar farms - small and large.