Infigen Energy suffering from “wind correlation penalty” in South Australian wind farms
Some thoughts about the possible uplift to Infigen Energy revenues, stemming from higher forward contract prices in the South Australian region of the NEM
Some thoughts about the possible uplift to Infigen Energy revenues, stemming from higher forward contract prices in the South Australian region of the NEM
AEMO issued a Market Notice this morning for an LOR2 “Low Reserve Condition” in South Australia. Here’s my sense of some of what’s happening.
Recording early days of electricity production at the Hornsdale Wind Farm
Some brief notes about a changed pricing pattern observed in Q2 2016
A quick post to mark the end of brown-coal fired generation in South Australia, with the closure of Northern Power Station
Our guest author, Mike Williams, has prepared a review of January and February 2016 in the South Australia – and what it would have meant for energy users with spot exposure, using Demand Response
Michael Williams has followed-up on an earlier article on WattClarity by posting a more detailed analysis over on about spot exposure and demand response in South Australia for 2016.
The volatility of the NEM was showcased again on Monday as South Australia experienced two major price spikes in the space of an hour. Using NEM-Watch’s play back feature (screenshot below) we were able to relive when the two price spikes hit.
A sped-up animation covering spanning a September 2015 weekend in the South Australian region of the NEM, illustrating both sides of the wind farm output coin.
Some further analysis of different aspects of wind farm output in South Australia
Pondering more implications of the boom/bust pricing witnessed in the South Australian region last week…
Through the week we’ve seen new highs for wind production (NEM-wide) and also some low levels of production, as well – mirroring the political debate. The challenge has serious implications, however, and the AEMO sessions mentioned might be one way to learn more.
Some quick notes Tuesday evening about liquid-fuelled peaking generators getting a run in a South Australian region that’s missing Northern station (amongst other factors)
Some thoughts from another guest author, Greg Denton, about the current rule change proposal “Bidding in Good Faith” being assessed by the AEMC.
One of our guest authors, a meteorologist, lends his expertise to helping us understand one of the reasons why peak demand for summer 2014-15 was what it was.
So the entrant who was VERY close to the mark in forecasting the peak demand in South Australia for this summer period is…
Continuing our walk around the NEM, today we analyse what happened with South Australian electricity demand over the extended summer period 2014-15 – with a particular focus on peak demand
A few pointers about where the peak South Australian demand might land this summer (relevant to our competition, and also for some very real considerations about the ongoing evolution of the NEM)
Some quick thoughts about the mothballing of Torrens Island A station
First hot day we’ve posted about prior to summer 2014-15