NEMDE nightmares – parallel pathways and clashing constraints

Prompted by a question by a client in a training session for a new ez2view user, guest author Allan O’Neil has written 2,940 words to explain the price outcome in one particular dispatch interval for one particular region (19:05 on Tuesday 11th February 2025 in South Australia). Strap in, because it’s a good illustration of why the simple ‘merit order’ bid stacking model is sometimes (often!) way too simplistic!

Missing megawatts and phantom generation

Seven days ago, AEMO notified the market of a Scheduling Error from 24th Jan 2024 to 7th March 2024. A client asked us what it meant – so guest author Allan O’Neil has helped to explore and explain.

Liddell’s ghost stalks the market

During early morning Monday 1st May prices spiked in the NSW quite unexpectedly. Guest author Allan O’Neil takes us into the complexities of the EMMS and NEMDE to help us understand the mechanics of how this happened.

Two alternate theories of why capacity was withdrawn

Second (linked) article this evening, spelling out the two theories we’re aware of with respect to why some participants might have withdrawn capacity from the NEMDE dispatch/pricing run in June 2022 – leading to the AEMO Suspending the Market.