Hot day in QLD drives regional demand close to the record
The temperature reached 34 degrees in Brisbane today – with thunderstorms predicted to sweep through the south-east corner, bringing with them a cool change and localised disruptions to...
The temperature reached 34 degrees in Brisbane today – with thunderstorms predicted to sweep through the south-east corner, bringing with them a cool change and localised disruptions to...
A quick note about the tight supply/demand balance in NSW today - by virtue for high demand and constrained interconnector capability.
More extreme weather drives extreme demand and extreme prices - on Wednesday 2nd February.
An illustration of the high demand and volatility on Tuesday 1st February.
Some snapshots of a day in which NEM-wide demand soared, driven by high temperatures across the middle of Australia.
Some images of the see-saw of prices in QLD with the high demand day today.
A graphical summary of a day when temperatures soared in NSW, dragging demand higher and (with the assistance of a relative shortage of supplies) also dragging prices to...
Some quick notes about a price spike in QLD today.
A snapshot of a higher demand day in NSW, driven by higher temperatures as they move eastwards
Some notes about the heatwave in SA and VIC, and what it means for the NEM
Some quick notes on what's happened in the NEM today (17th) and yesterday (16th)
Some further analysis of the MT PASA and ST PASA forecasts for other regions of the NEM (SA, TAS, NSW and QLD) for the day of 29th January...
A quick look at how useful NEMMCO's PASA forecasts were, prior to the record levels of demand seen across the NEM on Thursday 29th January 2009
A few snapshots and quick notes about a very hot spring day in the NEM, with demand soaring, IRPM dropping across the market, and prices at VOLL in...
A few brief notes about a hot day across the mainland, with demand levels high in each of the 4 mainland regions
A few snapshots of a hot day in QLD and NSW as the spring heatwave rolls east.
For only the 5th time in 11 years of NEM history (and the 3rd time for South Australia) four consecutive days of price spikes have forced the Cumulative...
Some quick notes about high demand and prices in South Australia again today....
Some quick notes about another price spike today in the South Australian region of Australia's National Electricity Market
Tuesday 3rd November, and the temperatures that had driven prices higher in SA the previous day moved eastwards. Whilst VIC demand was lower as everyone lost their shirts...