Using the ElectraNet 2024 TAPR to locate the lines with unplanned outage (on Thursday evening 17th October 2024)
Second article for Thursday evening 17th October 2024, about unplanned network outages (in severe weather) in South Australia.
Second article for Thursday evening 17th October 2024, about unplanned network outages (in severe weather) in South Australia.
A timeline of evolving expectations for the cost, benefits, and delivery dates for Project Energy Connect - following news of recent issues surrounding the project.
Yesterday's note from ElectraNet prompted this initial summary of some of what we've seen happen with the SA islanding event over the last 12 days.
A quick look at rooftop solar PV forecasts after ElectraNet's chief executive warns about overproduction of distributed energy generation later in the week.
Electranet have posted a short update in the middle of the day, Sunday 13th November 2022.
Second article in a growing series about the islanding of South Australia from Saturday 12th November 2022.
A few quick notes about the voltage disturbance experienced in the early hours of the morning in South Australia on Thursday 23rd June 2022.
A quick look at a price spike at 06:45 on Monday morning 6th June ... that has some parallels to yesterday evening.
AEMO Market Notice 83206 today notifies the broader market of the rectification work on the Heywood transmission (damaged 13 months ago) to be conducted from Friday morning this...
Our guest author Stephen Sproul looks at how the Dalrymple Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), currently the only source of virtual inertia on the NEM, responded to the...