A quick review of yo-yo instance number 2 (pre 22:00 on Sunday 12th June 2022)
A short review of what we named ‘Instance #2’ in the yo-yo-ing of Available Generation after Administered Prices came into effect.
A short review of what we named ‘Instance #2’ in the yo-yo-ing of Available Generation after Administered Prices came into effect.
A quick tabular list of the 7 cases overnight where QLD saw ‘Actual LOR2’ and/or yo-yo Available Generation
Available Generation in QLD has been quite the see-saw following the imposition of Administered Pricing on Sunday evening, 12th June 2022. This is the 3rd occasion this evening we see ‘Actual LOR2’ warning.
In addition to this AEMC Rule Determination, I also noted that AEMO published this ‘RERT Contracted Report for 1st and 2nd February 2022’ back on 2nd March 2022: It’s a short 2-page report that: 1) Provides a list of a…
Catching up on recent developments, this AEMC Rule Determination (enabling AEMO to deal with ‘indistinct events’) caught my eye.
A quick look back at today (Tue 1st Feb) and look forward at tomorrow (Wed 2nd Feb).
Here’s just a couple of the strange things that are going on in the NEM this afternoon … particularly in QLD and NSW
Over 2,000 MW – or around 55% – of South Australia’s firm supply capacity was unavailable last Friday evening (March 12, 2021), along with virtually all of its large-scale renewable supply (a further 1,800 MW or so) but the lights…
Guest author Allan O’Neil puts together an in-depth explainer about system strength and looks at the current approach to system strength management in South Australia, its impacts and the imminent installation of synchronous condensers on the SA grid.
Third case study in a growing series – on this occasion looking at the (extreme – and possibly excessive?) lengths taken by Tailem Bend Solar Farm to avoid being dispatched at times of negative spot prices in South Australia. This analysis is specifically focused on Wednesday 6th November 2019.
A closer look at AEMO’s actions during a period of high windfarm output in SA last week