Pricing and dispatch during market suspension
Marcelle explores how settlement prices are set and how dispatch is operating during the current market suspension.
Marcelle explores how settlement prices are set and how dispatch is operating during the current market suspension.
Limits on interconnectors play a key role in setting regional prices in the NEM. Marcelle finds a number of traps when interpreting the market data.
Marcelle explores the little-understood concept in NEM dispatch of the tie-break principle, using the new 'Constraint Dashboard' widget in ez2view.
AEMO recently imposed additional dispatch obligations on six non-scheduled wind farms in South Australia. We take a look at what this means in practice.
Following from the release of GenInsights21, in this article we look at some of what that analytical publication can help us understand, in terms of how the changing...
The AEMC recently published a draft determination on Primary Frequency Response - proposing it remain mandatory, and to introduce big changes to the causer-pays process, including payments for...
30-minute pre-dispatch provides critical forward price information to the NEM - but what exactly will it mean after five-minute settlement? Marcelle takes a look.
Which wind farms performed best in 2020? Marcelle extracts data from the GSD2020 to compare spot (and LGC) revenue, and FCAS cost performance, across wind farms in the...
Just under 3 weeks ago (on 22nd April 2021) the AEMC published a draft determination that would establish 'Fast Frequency Response' as an additional (i.e. 9th and 10th)...
Following recent articles on spot market revenue earned by solar farms in the NEM in 2020, Marcelle takes a look at their FCAS costs.
Marcelle extends last week's comparison of solar farm energy spot market revenue in 2020 by adding in an estimate of the LGC (green certificate) revenue.
Which solar farms performed best in 2020? Marcelle compares spot revenue performance across the NEM.
With the release of the Generator Statistical Digest 2020, Marcelle Gannon takes a look at how it can be useful for identifying and exploring different patterns of generation.
Following up to AEMO's recent Intermittent Generator forum, Marcelle looks at the challenges for wind and solar farms in providing consistently good plant availability information to AEMO and...
This is the fourth of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy...
This is the third of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy...
This is the second of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy...
This is the first of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy...
In a sneak preview of part of next Thursday's Clean Energy Council webinar, Marcelle compares the spot revenue performance of wind farms across the NEM.
Marcelle digs into the data to find out what the real issues are in the AER's proposed rule change for semi-scheduled generators.