Dan is a Market Analyst, who joined Global-Roam in June 2013.
He departed (and returned) for a couple of brief stints overseas, before rejoining the team permanently in late 2019. Alongside his work at Global-Roam, he has undertaken short-term contract roles as an analyst and researcher in various areas of the energy sector. Dan graduated from the Master of Sustainable Energy program at the University of Queensland in 2024.
Today the Australian Energy Regulator released its annual ‘State of the Energy Market’ report that highlighted rising retail prices and a higher concentration of flexible generation asset ownership.
Dan Lee looks into utility-scale storage in Queensland – including the need for megawatt-hours, the state of the build-out, and the current market price signal for duration.
One year on from a market-wide suspension, Dan Lee provides a review of Q2 prices for 2023 so that we can examine some of the longer-term price trends.
After having had an extended break abroad, the coverage from last week’s AEW event provided a unique opportunity to check back in with the energy market from an outsider’s perspective.
It appears that the NEM-wide wind production record was broken again, and then again, over the weekend. A quick look at wind output for each region to see the contribution.
In the fourth instalment of this ongoing case study, Dan Lee maps the locations and contributions of the semi-scheduled units that contributed to the +861MW Aggregate Raw Off-Target that occurred on the afternoon of October 27th 2022.
A short note to mark the Reliability Panel’s annual review of market performance which covers system reliability, security, and safety over the 2021-22 FY – which includes the June 2022 market suspension.
Dan Lee explains why capacity factor could be becoming an increasingly less useful measure for comparing how different solar farms are performing and begins an exploration into some of the factors in play when trying to conduct more comprehensive analysis into generator performance.
Dan Lee provides this write-up of a recent study tour to Timor-Leste and reflects on lessons learned about how the transition is affecting developing nations.
Dan Lee tracks the demand forecasts against the actual outcome in QLD last Friday afternoon. The final result was as much as ∼1,000MW lower than the maximum forecast of demand published by the AEMO, which alludes to the inherent difficulty of electricity market forecasting.