Earlier this afternoon, on the 17th March 2025, Dan Lee and I were pleased to present ‘Looking Back and Charging Forward‘ to the Clean Energy Council’s Market and Grid Directorate.
Discussion built upon Dan’s article The state-of-charge for 2024: The highs and lows of the big battery boom.
The well attended presentation covered five topics around NEM trends and change:
1 Energy Market Performance: Review of battery ‘arbitrage’ performance in 2024.
2 Frequency Market Performance: Review of battery FCAS performance in 2024.
3 FCAS Costs: Exploring FCAS costs for VRE and batteries in 2024.
4 FPP: How the new Frequency Performance Payments mechanism is likely to impact batteries and existing VRE.
5 Hybrids: Considerations for existing VRE, and what challenges might be worth overcoming sooner rather than later.
As it turns out Dan Lee will be attending the Solar Storage Summit Australia on 18 – 19 March 2025 in Sydney. If you are also attending, please do seek out Dan to continue the discussion!
It was a privilege to have the opportunity to share some of the trends and features emerging in the NEM.
We thank the Clean Energy Council for arranging the session and all those who attended for their attention and interest.
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