Dan Andrews used that* four letter word to launch their Election Energy Policy

*  no, not the usual four letter words … but there was plenty of emotive language (like ‘greedy energy companies’ and so on), and he did mention the SECV.

The Queensland Labor Government already launched is Energy Policy on 28th September 2022, which has caused considerable discussion since that time (some referenced in that article).

Not to be outdone, the Victorian Labor Government under Dan Andrews launched its own policy ‘Putting power back in the hands of Victorians’ last Thursday 20th October in the midst of its Re-Election Campaign.  This one (at least the 2-page Media Release) is a lot shorter – only two pages as follows:


… though:

1)  The above does link to some other materials here.

2)  I do also notice another announcement on Friday 21st October titled ‘Boosting Wind Power and Renewable Jobs’.

Needless to say, this has caused a stir … and not just because of the resurrection of the old SECV.  Because it’s already caused quite a stir, I get the sense we might be referring back to it later and so have added this article here today.


(A)  Media Coverage of the proposed Victorian Energy Policy

Apart from this article, here is some of the coverage I have seen:

1)   here on WattClarity:

(a)  A couple days after it was released, we’ve written this article and began adding some of these links below (something that will continue as we note additional things).

(b)  Nothing else, at this point

2)   via the ABC:

(a)  On Thursday 20th October …

i.  Rio Davis and Natasha Schapova wrote ‘Victorian Labor to build publicly owned renewables, revive electricity commission if re-elected’.

(b)  On Friday 21st October …

i.  Daniel Mercer wrote ‘Australia’s biggest electricity system ‘on life support’ as states take control of the energy transition’.

(c)  Afterwards ….

3)  via RenewEconomy:

(a)  On Thursday 20th October…

i.  Sophie Vorrath wrote ‘Victoria fast-tracks coal exit with target for 95 pct renewables by 2035’.

(b)  On Friday 21st October…

i.  The Energy Insiders Podcast this time featured Victorian Energy Minister, Lily D’Ambrosio.

ii.  Giles Parkinson wrote ‘Victoria counts on $30 billion of offshore wind, not much solar, to replace coal’.

iii.  Sophie’s ‘Chart of the Day’ featured the results of the VRET update

iv.  Giles also wrote ‘D’Ambrosio: we can’t sit around waiting for coal plants to close’.

(c)  Afterwards … more to come, no doubt.

4)  via AFR:

(a)  On Thursday 20th October:

i.  Angela Macdonald-Smith wrote ‘Government intervention in energy market goes next-level in Victoria’ .

ii.  The AFR View was ‘Victoria’s distorting power play’ .

iii.  Chanticleer wrote ‘Logic in Andrews’ energy intervention’ .

iv.  Chanticleer wrote ‘Victoria’s energy takeover raises tough questions for super funds’ .

(b)  On Friday 21st October:

i.  Colin Packham wrote ‘Victoria’s SEC proposal not a panacea to energy crisis, industry warns’ .

ii.  Mark Lulow and Angela Macdonald-Smith wrote ‘Victoria’s ambitious renewable plan based on unproven hydrogen’ .

iii.  Patrick Durkin and Angela Macdonald-Smith wrote ‘‘Perilous journey ahead’ under Victoria’s energy overhaul’ .

iv.  Mark Ludlow, Jason Greber and Angela Macdonald-Smith wrote ‘Energy intervention ‘inevitable’ amid upheaval: Schott’ .

(c)  That’s all I have seen at this point…

5)  via the Australian

(a) On Thursday 20th October…

i.  Perry Williams wrote  ‘Alinta faces more pressure over Loy Yang B coal power plant’ .

(b)  On Friday 21st October …

i.  Perry Williams wrote  ‘Victoria’s bid to revive state-controlled power ‘threatens’ electricity operators’ .

ii.  Rachel Baxendale and Perry Williams wrote  ‘Daniel Andrews’ coal exit ‘to add volatility’’ .

(c)  Afterwards…

6)  via the Guardian

(a) On Thursday 20th October and Friday 21st October … have not seen anything?

(b)  On Saturday 22nd October:

i.  Peter Hannam and Benita Kolovos wrote ‘Daniel Andrews plans to revive the State Electricity Commission. What will it mean for Victoria’s power?’ .

(c)  Afterwards…

7)  via PV magazine

(a)  On Thursday 20th October….

i.  David Carroll wrote ‘Victoria to target 95% renewable energy by 2035’.

8)  via the Age/SMH

(a)  On Thursday 20th October …

i.  Rachel Eddie, paul Sakkal, Josh Gordon and Nick O’Malley’ wrote ‘Switch to state control starts clock ticking on coal-fired power plants’.

(b) On Friday 21st October …

i.  Nick O’Malley wrote ‘Victoria has an ambitious new energy plan. What does it mean for Australia?’

ii.  Josh Gordon wrote ‘Andrews backs publicly-owned offshore wind as key renewable technology’.

iii.  The Editorial notes that ‘State energy plan will bring huge benefits – and costs’.

(c)  Afterwards …


(B)  Industry Organisation comment

In addition to the media articles above, I’ve also seen the following from various industry organisations:

1)   The Australian Energy Council …

(a)  on 20th October published ‘Victoria’s ‘Back to the Future’ announcement a retrograde step‘.

2)   The Energy Networks Australia:

(a)  I’ve not seen anything?

3)   The Clean Energy Council:

(a)  on 20th October published ‘Victoria accelerates toward a fully renewable energy power system’.

4)   The Smart Energy Council:

(a)  I’ve not seen anything?

5)  The Energy Users Association of Australia:

(a)  Emily Wood provided the comment ‘Lots Of Announcements But Very Little Detail A Concern for Energy Users’ on 21st October.


(C)  Other comment

If we notice other comment, will add them in here…

1)   The Grattan Institute:

(a)  Via the Conversation, Tony Wood wrote ‘Victoria signals end of coal by announcing a new 95% renewable target. It’s a risky but vital move’ on 20th October 2022.

(b)  On their website on 1st November, Alison Reeve wrote ‘Rebooting the State Electricity Commission: will it work?’ … which made its way to the Herald Sun.



About the Author

Paul McArdle
Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients. Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.

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