I’ve included this as a separate article to make clear it does not relate to these cases of yo-yo Available Generation … but I did happen to notice it when flipping through bids in relation to Instance 03:
Interesting choice of rebid with the market under Administered Pricing in the QLD region … shifting 243MW from –$1000 to the $15,100Market Price Cap in the 22:50 dispatch interval.
Will need to think about the reasoning for this…or perhaps someone with more time can fill us all in?
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time.
As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.
The third and final part of this series of articles from Greg Williams about opportunity costs in electricity markets – this time narrowing in on policy implications.
The dispatch price in Queensland spiked to $1,500/MWh at 18:25 and again at 22:40 yesterday evening – triggering jitters in some who fear a return to the volatility of summer 2013.
Some ideas that I have been puzzling over – about the overlaps and contradictions between 3 rule changes under consideration at the AEMC currently
1) The Demand Response Mechanism (better known as the Negawatt buyback mechanism)
2) The Bidding in Good Faith deliberation
3) The Requirement for Price-Responsive (large) Demand to bid into central dispatch
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