A look at where the wind has and hasn’t been blowing over the last three nights
A look into the geographic spread and diversity of wind production over the past three evenings, where we've seen supply-demand tightness across the NEM.
A look into the geographic spread and diversity of wind production over the past three evenings, where we've seen supply-demand tightness across the NEM.
Given what's happened for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening this week (and even tighter supply-demand balance forecast for Thursday evening) we take a look at the correlation between...
Almost 2.5 years since we released GenInsights21, today we're publishing this article that contains a precis of the analysis included as Appendix 27 under the title 'Exploring Wind...
A quick note at another research paper (focused on an area of interest to us) that's crossed our field of vision.
Looking back at Friday 26th August 2022 we see that it was not only South Australia that was becalmed. All but one of the wind farms operating in...
It’s 1st April 2022, and I have not checked these stats in NEMreview v7 for a while, so I thought I would have a quick look at how ...
Over the week that has just passed we kept noticing production from wind farms across the NEM was fairly muted - so we've had a look at what...
David Osmond's question on Twitter prompted me to have a look at large wind production overnight.
Patricia Boyce' challenging question coincided with the low point of cyclic wind output across the NEM this afternoon, and prompted some thinking...
Yesterday (on Fri 21st Aug 2020) we saw a new record set for BOTH daily peak instantaneous output across all wind farms in the NEM, and also daily...
Prompted by what I'd seen in the (daily) periodic cycling of aggregate wind production recently, I took more of a look at what's been apparent over time.
An article today providing links to the 'Renewable Integration Study' which the AEMO released today, and also to the headline media coverage I have seen on my quick...
RepuTex Energy builds on the Generator Report Card 2018 to provide insights into how different weather patterns impact wind production and the implications for system diversity and portfolio...
In terms of diversity of intermittent supplies, we need to understand that we're not just comparing data series on a scale that runs from "highly correlated" to "random"...
A brief follow on from yesterday's post, with the advantage of being able to review yesterday's bids (and rebids) today.
This morning over on Twitter, I was pulled into a discussion that had started with respect to volume of wind energy curtailed in South Australia: The genesis...
Alerted by our NEMwatch dashboard, I delve into the data and see a scary degree of correlation between the (very low) output of wind farms in south-east South...
An explanation of how the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) contributed to the wind drought we observed recently on WattClarity.
Total wind output (aggregated across all wind farms in South Australia) established a new record on Sunday 9th April.
The three main flaws that put boundaries on the usefulness of all forecasting/modelling