Forecasting is a Mug’s Game
The three main flaws that put boundaries on the usefulness of all forecasting/modelling
The three main flaws that put boundaries on the usefulness of all forecasting/modelling
A starting list of factors that I'd look further into, if I was sucked into the "rabbit hole" of assessing all of the contributing factors leading to the...
Recapping what I've learnt (and highlighting some of the things I have yet to learn) about the electricity supply crisis currently facing Tasmania
Some starting thoughts, about the extent to which increased wind farm output has been responsible in the drop in spot prices in South Australia from the high levels...
An article recently in one of the main papers about increased flows down the Snowy River prompted the question, internally, about how much the La Nina pattern of...
I have been asked a couple of times recently, by new entrants to the NEM, about the impact of the drought in 2007 on generation levels around the...
Some thoughts about drivers supporting higher fuel costs - and hence driving electricity prices higher in future (assembled from comments made at EUAA events, and elsewhere).
Brief analysis of the trend in production (across the NEM) by fuel type.
Some analysis prompted by a short article in the AFR talking about a reduction in emissions over summer 2009-10 (with the possible implication being that emissions have turned...
One of 12 articles on the months past in the NEM. Here we present a detailed analysis of prices in each region of the NEM, for the month...
Here’s some articles about the impact of the drought on the NEM – culminating in a stepped change in prices, and changes to dispatch patterns, etc…
There was a temperature-driven spike in demand across the NEM later in the week beginning Sunday 7th January - culminating in the summer's first demand peak above 30,000MW...
There was a temperature-driven spike in demand in NSW on Tuesday 21st November 2006. These sweltering temperatures combined with bushfires to cause localised blackouts in the Sydney city...