South Australia hits the Cumulative Price Threshold

For only the 5th time in 11 years of NEM history (and the 3rd time for South Australia) four consecutive days of price spikes have forced the Cumulative Price to the Threshold, and AEMO has imposed price caps to prevent retailers from going bust.

The North Queensland Energy Forum

The North Queensland Energy Forum is an annual conference held in Townsville for the discussion of energy related issues. The forum started off with a welcome dinner and networking event on Monday evening. The food was good and the company interesting. The meat and potatoes of the event arrived on Tuesday where sixteen different speakers presented topics as diverse as nuclear electricity generation to distribution network operations to sugar cane based cogeneration plans.

Prices race in QLD and NSW as horses race in VIC

Tuesday 3rd November, and the temperatures that had driven prices higher in SA the previous day moved eastwards.

Whilst VIC demand was lower as everyone lost their shirts on a horse, demand climbed in NSW and QLD, dragging prices upwards as well.

Rising Energy Prices, More Than Meets The Eye

Over the past two days I have attended the annual Energy Users Association of Australia conference, in which I have heard a number of speakers from various walks of life talk about issues that are relevant to large energy users.

Demand Side Response

A collection of articles to do with demand side response (otherwise known as curtailability or demand response) in the National Electricity Market


Our reviews of conferences, and other events related to energy markets, that we have attended.

Lessons learned at the All Energy Conference

I’ve spent the last two days at All-Energy’s first Australian green energy conference and exhibition, set in Melbourne. I was sent down to learn as much as possible, and meet new contacts who may benefit from what we do. I didn’t know what to expect, but the conference proved to be informative and a very effective networking opportunity.