… meanwhile, down at Loy Yang A…
A few quick notes about this week's developments at Loy Yang A power station
A few quick notes about this week's developments at Loy Yang A power station
Queensland Scheduled Demand on Friday 13th January peaked even higher than on Thursday 12th January, and only 70MW below the all-time record
Hot weather drives Queensland demand higher than 9,000MW for the first time this summer - even with many people still out on holidays...
Demand rose in NSW today off the back of some hot weather
Victoria saw what seems to be the lowest ever* level of electricity demand early on Monday 2nd January 2017
New Years Eve and New Years Day have provided 2 excellent examples of the "Duck Curve" in South Australia
A question, about why Victorian electricity demand seems to be trending lower and lower...
Putting another cat amongst the pigeons, energy sector unions at Loy Yang A have announced Industrial Action at the station over Christmas.
Another LOR2 Market Notice issued for South Australia
South Australia was electrically islanded from the eastern part of the NEM for a number of hours overnight. Here's a quick (early morning) look at some of what...
Head's up for what might be a new record maximum electricity demand on Friday - so early in summer...