On Tuesday the NEM-wide demand did reach 31,891MW – and in Victoria 10,072MW
A snapshot of the highest demand point experienced in Victoria (and across the NEM) today
Collections of events that we see happening in the NEM, categorised in terms of the seasons in which they occur.
A snapshot of the highest demand point experienced in Victoria (and across the NEM) today
The forecast heatwave arrives in Victoria and drives demand towards what looks like being the highest (so far) this summer, and causing prices to pop.
A look at demand forecasts in ST PASA, with the heatwave promising to return next week.
High temperatures and humidity on Monday 6th January deliver more price volatility, and high demand in Queensland.
On a very hot Saturday a new record set for electricity demand on a Saturday in Queensland.
High demand experienced in Queensland on Friday 3rd January could be a precursor to the highest demand ever experienced on a Saturday – if the AEMO’s forecasts (and the weather bureau’s warnings) are correct.
A record of a time that’s not seen very often – when electricity demand in Queensland exceeds electricity demand in NSW (temporarily).
High temperatures passing through NSW provided the opportunity for the Colongra gas-fired power station to shake off the cobwebs and have a run for the day.
Demand surges in Victoria and South Australia on the back of blistering heat, dragging prices out of their long-term slumber as a result.
High temperatures arrived in South Australia today from further west – here’s how it affected the NEM
A snapshot from NEM-Watch capturing the first volatility seen this summer
A quick look at some more volatility experienced in the Queensland region on Wednesday 23rd October
The dispatch price in Queensland spiked to $1,500/MWh at 18:25 and again at 22:40 yesterday evening – triggering jitters in some who fear a return to the volatility of summer 2013.
A quick look at the long-run trend in output at Origin Energy’s large Mortlake plant in western Victoria.
A correction about Tamar Valley’s drop in production – and some further thoughts.
Despite consistently averaging monthly output of up to 200MW for a number of years, the Tamar Valley power station has been mothballed following an ownership change
An updated animation of 20th December 2012 focused on the Queensland region – a volatile day for that region.
Despite some high temperatures around Sydney today, electricity demand remained subdued.
Some recent changes in the MT PASA forward view of available generation capacities in NSW seem to imply that the declining demand might have taken another victim.
Today (Wednesday 24th July) we note how the Queensland lunchtime electricity demand is stuck in the blue zone – the uptake of solar PV, and a sunny day for Clean Energy Week, would be part of the reason.