Low reserves projected post Eraring closure… and earlier?
The results of the recent MTPASA (Medium-Term Projected Assessment of System Adequacy), published on 17 October 2023, led a declaration of low reserve conditions in Market Notice 110284.
The results of the recent MTPASA (Medium-Term Projected Assessment of System Adequacy), published on 17 October 2023, led a declaration of low reserve conditions in Market Notice 110284.
Last Thursday (31st Aug 2023) the AEMO published the ESOO 2023, including forecasts of some possibility of unserved energy in Victoria and South Australia this coming summer 2023-24...
Here's my view on whether Figure 2 should have preceded Figure 1 (with respect to projections of unserved energy ... USE) in the 2023 ESOO.
The AEMO published an update to their 2021 ESOO today (Thu 14th April) following some 'earlier closure' announcements for Eraring and Bayswater, which also gave the opportunity to...
Some initial analysis by our guest author, Allan O'Neil, about what AEMO's Statement of Opportunities 2017 is saying in terms of this coming summer 2017-18
A brief explainer of what "Unserved Energy" (or USE) actually means, in the context of the AEMO "Electricity Statement of Opportunities 2017" (ESOO) released this week.