MRET (Mandatory Renewable Energy Target)

How does a wind or solar farm make money?

This is the third of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy Council entitled ‘Maximising Profitability in the NEM’ for Wind Farms.

We’ve been killing New Entrants with kindness?

Last week saw more in a growing series of exits, and asset write-downs, amongst new entrants in the supply of renewable energy within the NEM. Today on WattClarity I ponder whether we have been setting them up to fail due to the nature of support provided to these new entrants. What is your perspective?

The RET Joyride

Yesterday evening the revised RET legislation passed the upper house. Today guest author (Miles Prosser) provides recollections of the twists and turns in the policy landscape of Australia’s Renewable Energy Target over the course of the past 10 years.