Marginal Loss Factor (MLF)

A collection of articles tagged with ‘Marginal Loss Factor (MLF)’ because they discuss different aspects of MLF … including possible reforms to the method for calculation and/or allocation.


Note that a subset of this list is a collation of articles categorised as (primarily pertaining to) ‘Long term trend in MLFs’.


How Good is Solar Farming?

Guest author, Allan O'Neil, takes a look, via the GSD2019 (released today), at the four different headwinds facing solar farm developers and operators operating in the NEM.

Let’s Talk Losses

Guest author, Tom Geiser, discusses the different approaches to loss factors amid recent market proposals.

War of Losses

Some thoughts from Derek Chapman, from Adani Renewables, in conjunction with two rule change requests at the AEMC relating to Marginal Loss Factors.