Early Friday 10th February – forecasts for near-record electricity demand and load shedding in NSW
A quick look into an anticipated stinker of a day in NSW today
A quick look into an anticipated stinker of a day in NSW today
Here's an update on the situation in NSW
A look at the supply/demand fundamentals in South Australia and explaining why load shedding was initiated.
... whilst on the topic of load shedding, here's a warning for NSW on Friday afternoon.
Deja-vu all over again in South Australia this evening, with load shedding invoked due to climbing (hot-weather fuelled) demand, and insufficient local generation supplies.
It's not looking that great, currently, for the supply/demand balance in South Australia this week - when viewing predispatch, ST PASA and AEMO's Market Notices
Wednesday 28th January saw demand across the NEM jump to unprecedented levels, setting a new record of 34,843MW at 16:00 NEM time. On Thursday 29th January, we saw...