Early Friday 10th February – forecasts for near-record electricity demand and load shedding in NSW
A quick look into an anticipated stinker of a day in NSW today
A quick look into an anticipated stinker of a day in NSW today
Here’s an update on the situation in NSW
A look at the supply/demand fundamentals in South Australia and explaining why load shedding was initiated.
… whilst on the topic of load shedding, here’s a warning for NSW on Friday afternoon.
Deja-vu all over again in South Australia this evening, with load shedding invoked due to climbing (hot-weather fuelled) demand, and insufficient local generation supplies.
It’s not looking that great, currently, for the supply/demand balance in South Australia this week – when viewing predispatch, ST PASA and AEMO’s Market Notices
Wednesday 28th January saw demand across the NEM jump to unprecedented levels, setting a new record of 34,843MW at 16:00 NEM time. On Thursday 29th January, we saw the demand increase still further, leading to prices that stayed high for much of the day (to the point where the Cumulative Price Threshold was reached in VIC and SA and price caps were imposed), and a relatively small amount of involuntary load shedding occurring in VIC and SA.