Tag team releases today– ESB’s ‘Health of the NEM’ and AER’s ‘State of the Energy Market’
Two headline reports (one from the ESB, one from the AER) released today, so readers can consider them together.
Two headline reports (one from the ESB, one from the AER) released today, so readers can consider them together.
With the AER having released its ‘Wholesale Markets Quarterly’ for Q2 2022 yesterday, I skimmed and saw 9 discrete factors flagged … each of which contributed to the extreme (price and scarcity) outcomes seen through Q2 2022.
Yesterday (Tue 6th Sept 2022) the AER released its ‘Wholesale Markets Quarterly’ report for Q2 2022 – which, given the Energy Crisis that unfolded then, should prove interesting reading.
A short article about the AER’s publication (on 1st July 2022) of some updated information to help Semi-Scheduled generators understand their obligations.
AEMO has determined that it is necessary to suspend the spot market in all regions under NER clause 3.14.3(s)3) because it has become impossible to operate the spot market in accordance with the provisions of the Rules.
Lynne Gallagher highlighted this reminder sent out to all generators from the AER, and we thought it worthwhile copying over to WattClarity here.
A short note to coincide with AER publication of Default Market Offer (DMO) for the 2022-23 financial year.
On Friday 11th March 2022, the AEMO published its 19-page ‘Addendum to the Draft 2022 ISP’, providing more detail on the four topics identified by the AER.
The front page headline in the print copy of the AFR this morning ‘AEMO told to reassess death of coal’ jumped out at me … and to others as well!
On Tuesday 21st December 2021 the AER requested the AEMC to consider changing the prescriptive requirements in the Rules for the AER to analyse particular types of market outcomes in particular ways, and instead provide the AER more flexibility in what its analysis covers.
James Tetlow from Overwatch Energy explains an important rule change that was recently introduced that has seen a significant increase in the civil penalties for generators who fail to follow operating rules.
Saw an update from the AER this evening pertaining to Liddell unit 3, and had a quick look with the power of the Generator Statistical Digest 2020.
This morning the AEMC has published its final rule focused on clarifying how Semi-Scheduled generators should follow dispatch targets – including in dispatch intervals where prices are negative, and some had been unexpectedly switching off.
This is the second of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy Council entitled ‘Maximising Profitability in the NEM’ for Wind Farms.
A brief note to inform readers that the AEMC is fast-tracking consideration of the AER’s Proposed Rule Change on Semi-Scheduled assets … but also to reinforce our view that the challenge is MUCH broader than is being addressed here.
Following the consultation process conducted by the AER (stemming from their Issues Paper 3 months ago) the AER has today submitted a rule change request to the AEMC relating to Semi-Scheduled generation.
Following on from Friday’s article (which considered the AER Issues Paper) this article delves into more detail of those extremes of ‘Aggregate Raw Off-Target’ across all Semi-Scheduled units that have been recorded over the past 10 years. There’s a clear clustering of cases in 2019 – what does it mean?
Prompted by the recent AER Issues Paper (submissions on that due today – Friday 24th July) but also aware that I’ve not yet published some broader thoughts in response to the ESB’s requests for input into their Discussion Paper on the Two Sided Market concept, I’ve posted some further thoughts. These have been informed by a longitudinal analysis of Aggregate ‘Raw Off-target’ values across all Semi-Scheduled plant.
Here’s an attempt to translate the concern underlying the AER Issues Paper into ‘plain English’ via the popular song.
It’s not a surprise to me to see that someone (the AER in this case) has released an Issues Paper canvassing options for changing the way Semi-Scheduled generators interact with the dispatch process. Not a surprise, as our prior analysis suggests the current approach is not sustainable or scalable.