Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)

Delta’s ‘relatively urgent’ Rule Change reverts to the (slower) ‘standard rules consultation process’ at the AEMC

Today the AEMC weekly email notes that:
‘We will use the standard rules consultation process to assess Delta Electricity’s proposal to allow cash as credit support. We received a valid objection to the proposed use of the expedited process, meaning the standard approach will be used instead.’ Also today was the closure date for submissions (as noted in the Consultation Paper).

Two alternate theories of why capacity was withdrawn

Second (linked) article this evening, spelling out the two theories we’re aware of with respect to why some participants might have withdrawn capacity from the NEMDE dispatch/pricing run in June 2022 – leading to the AEMO Suspending the Market.

Two articles on LinkedIn that might be useful reading contrasting the two different Compensation Processes (i.e. AEMO Directions and AEMC APC)

Despite it being overtaken by today’s Market Suspension, with its own compensation arrangements – still might be useful for readers to be aware of these two sources of discussion about the two different sources of compensation that seemed to be at play for a few days under Administered Price Caps (APC) following Cumulative Price Threshold (CPT) being reached.

FCAS goes from fast to very fast

Just under 3 weeks ago (on 22nd April 2021) the AEMC published a draft determination that would establish ‘Fast Frequency Response’ as an additional (i.e. 9th and 10th) FCAS service in the NEM. We take a brief look.