The rise of the ‘Negawatt Factory’?
My understanding is that the AEMC’s Final Rule relating to the push to implement a ‘Negawatt Dispatch Mechanism’ will be released in the morning. I wonder what the implications will actually turn out to be…
My understanding is that the AEMC’s Final Rule relating to the push to implement a ‘Negawatt Dispatch Mechanism’ will be released in the morning. I wonder what the implications will actually turn out to be…
Guest author, Tom Geiser, discusses the different approaches to loss factors amid recent market proposals.
Better late than never (perhaps?) today I post a few thoughts about the AEMC’s proposed draft rule change for the incorporation of NegaWatts into centralized dispatch.
A few additional thoughts about proposed changes to the MT PASA process, informed by our conclusions in Theme 14 within Part 2 of our Generator Report Card.
A quick look back at the AEMC’s Final Determination on Five Minute Settlement.
Some quick thoughts (before I run out of time) about why it’s all-too-commonly (but mistakenly) stated that there’s not much Demand Response in the NEM
Following from my August update, here’s two developments we have seen in relation to retail & networks regulation.
A listing of key reports and analysis into the SA blackout of 28th September 2016.
On 4th December 2015, Sun Metals (a zinc smelter in northern Queensland, and also one of our initial deSide® clients) submitted this rule change request to the AEMC: In the 10-page proposed change, my sense is that the key points…