Up, up and away … Market Price Cap to increase by $2,800/MWh (or 16%)
The AEMC has announced that the Market Price Cap will increase to $20,300/MWh from 1st July 2025. Should we be so surprised?
The AEMC has announced that the Market Price Cap will increase to $20,300/MWh from 1st July 2025. Should we be so surprised?
Another for your Xmas Reading List? This one from the AEMC, in publishing its Final Determination last Thursday 19th December 2024 for the ‘Integrating price-responsive resources into the...
After having had an extended break abroad, the coverage from last week's AEW event provided a unique opportunity to check back in with the energy market from an...
A short note to mark the Reliability Panel's annual review of market performance which covers system reliability, security, and safety over the 2021-22 FY - which includes the...
Tom Geiser of Neoen writes this think piece about cost-based modelling vs price-based modelling in the broader debate about transmission investment.
A short note about the AEMC's Transmission Planning and Investment Review - Stage 2 Final Report released last week, and submissions on Stage 3 Draft Report due this...
On 4th July the AEMC published their second 'Notice of Receipt of Claims' with respect to compensation under the Administered Pricing period in June 2022.
A short article about the rule change proposed by Alinta Energy to raise the APC ... quite topical given Q2 2022.
Second (linked) article this evening, spelling out the two theories we're aware of with respect to why some participants might have withdrawn capacity from the NEMDE dispatch/pricing run...
Might be useful to some of our readers...
Catching up on recent developments, this AEMC Rule Determination (enabling AEMO to deal with 'indistinct events') caught my eye.
Same day as we released GenInsights21, the AEMO published its High Level Design on how they will implement the AEMC Rule Change determination on Integrating Energy Storage Systems...