Articles by Paul McArdle

One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

About Wind Diversity

A quick look at the extent to which wind supplies (across all wind turbines in the NEM) are diverse enough for supplies to have a degree of dependability.

Yallourn is limping back into service

Following some questions yesterday (from clients and others) we take a quick look at how Yallourn Power Station is progressing in coming back from outage caused by inundation from the nearby river.

Hydro generation increases with La Nina

An article recently in one of the main papers about increased flows down the Snowy River prompted the question, internally, about how much the La Nina pattern of the past 24 months had impacted on production volumes from the hydro facilities around the NEM.

Yes, the demand did peek above 30,000MW

Looking further (after making the first post today) I see that the demand did rise above 30,000MW across the Australian National Electricity Market today – still a very low level for the highest demand so far this summer…

How has demand trended, so far this summer

A quick look at how NEM-wide demand has trended so far this summer (to define the starting point for our competition entrants).

This brief look raises questions about the demand seen in December 2011, so we compare against previous years.