Delving deeper, into battery (discharge) performance in NSW on Tue 7th May and Wed 8th May

Yesterday we posted ‘A first quick look at bids for NSW participants, including Wednesday 8th May 2024’ – including (amongst other things) an aggregate level view of coal generator bidding in NSW, looking back 30 days.


Today we have already delved further, with a series of articles:

#1 = ‘Delving deeper, into coal generator performance in NSW on Tue 7th May and Wed 8th May’

#2 = ‘Delving deeper, into Wind Farm performance in NSW on Tue 7th May and Wed 8th May’

#3 … so in this article we’re going to take a similar approach, but look at batteries instead (specifically focusing on the discharge side of the equation).

We’re still using the ‘Bids & Offers’ widget in ez2view.


(A)  All battery units across NSW

There are 7 x batteries currently operational in NSW – here’s the shorter time-range aggregate view:


When we’d looked back over 30 days, the suspicion had been that (at least some of) the batteries had run dry during the volatile periods.

… with the narrowed-in view, we can confirm this.

That’s not a surprise to us, as we’d already written about ‘the rise of ‘Just in Time’’ as Key Observation 5/22 within GenInsights21.


(B)  Unbundling, for each of the 7 x NSW batteries

This will have to wait until another article …

About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

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