energy constraints

Renewable curtailment – forced and not quite so forced

Inspired by the recent article by Tristan Edis (who referenced the GSD2022 in analysis of curtailment of some wind and solar farms), Allan O’Neil follows on with more analysis of the two main types of curtailment. Allan differentiates these as ‘forced curtailment’ and ‘economic offloading’

Two alternate theories of why capacity was withdrawn

Second (linked) article this evening, spelling out the two theories we’re aware of with respect to why some participants might have withdrawn capacity from the NEMDE dispatch/pricing run in June 2022 – leading to the AEMO Suspending the Market.

Stepping to suspension

With all regions of the NEM having been suspended by AEMO on Wednesday 15th June 2022, guest author Allan O’Neil takes an initial look at what’s visible in terms of operations in the NEM.