Because we’ll be referring back to it in future, we’ve lifted out Figure 8 from this report (p36/39) and included it here in this belated (and back-dated) article:
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time.
As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.
A follow-on to my earlier article of a couple weeks ago, looking at another instance where a team effort was required to counter a drop in system frequency following the loss of generation at a large power station (this time the single unit Kogan Creek power station – the largest single unit in the NEM).
The AEMC recently published a draft determination on Primary Frequency Response – proposing it remain mandatory, and to introduce big changes to the causer-pays process, including payments for good performance.
In this article we’ll have a first pass at what happened in Victoria on Tuesday 13th February 2024 at a DI-by-DI level … which we call ‘Timeline #1’ level – noting will go more granular later (Timeline #2) and less granular later (Timeline #3).
Paul McArdle recently drew my attention to a short Twitter thread started by David Osmond on the arcane topic of NEM system frequency behaviour: At Paul’s invitation I’ve dived further into this issue to fill in some background, provide…
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