EnergyAustralia notes ‘further instability in the Morwell River Diversion wall’ – with respect to Yallourn mine

A short third article for the day to reference this Media Release published by EnergyAustralia this afternoon:


… and in particular the following sentence:

“Overnight, river levels have reduced and revealed further instability in the Morwell River Diversion wall.”

The note continues, by noting:

“We had planned to continue coal mining today; however, we have suspended access to impacted areas until further geotechnical assessments have been completed and risk assessments revised to address the changes observed.”

This media release was tweeted at 14:58 today.


(A)  Situation at Yallourn

So my sense is now a little different than when I had written this note early this morning with YWPS3 back online:

1)  Whilst YWPS1 and YWPS3 are both still online at present;

2)  The recovery of full operations is not as straightforward as I had been assuming:

(a)  More complexity; and

(b)  Might take longer?

Having ticked over into a new week since I last used the ‘MT PASA DUID Availability’ widget in ez2view for Callide (on Friday 11th June) we’re now looking at the coming Sunday 20th June being the first day on the MT PASA time horizon.

Flipping the filter to look at the 4 x Yallourn units, we see that the expectation is YWPS2 and YWPS4 will be offline at least until Monday 21st June:


Stay tuned on that one!

… as an aside (about this widget & visibility of the data)

More generally, though, with respect to this widget, we continue to say a big thank-you for ERM Power in making their Rule Change submission (thanks Dave and Ron, etc) … and to the AEMC for approving it (mostly).

… but why, oh why, was it not also extended to include the same data for technical availability on Semi-Scheduled plant, which are going to play an increasingly important role!?



(B)  Supply and Demand in Victoria

Speaking more broadly about the supply/demand balance in Victoria, I also noted that earlier today (i.e. at 14:05) AEMO had tweeted this message:


For those with licensed access to ez2view online, this 7-day outlook view for the Victorian region could be a handy way of keeping an eye on what’s forecast:


You can access your copy of this trend here.


PS1  Coverage on 9News Melbourne

One eagle-eyed reader sent me a reference to this tweet from 9News Melbourne from 18:10 on Tuesday 15th June (so appropriate to tag at the bottom of this article):

The news report (click to open) provides a sound and pictures of what’s happening.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients. Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.

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