What role might Demand Response play in a (possible) future grid featuring high levels of intermittency?

Back on 8th October, I spoke at All Energy in Melbourne on this topic.  Given the questions posed after the session, it seemed that it might be of value to some WattClarity readers if I narrated over the top of the presentation and included it here, for future reference:

As noted herein, there were really 3 topics to be covered within the 20 minutes allowed for the presentation:

Topic #1 – What is Demand Response?

We’ve been a keen supporter of Demand Response in the NEM for more than a decade and, as noted herein, have been actively involved in helping large energy users gain commercial benefit from one particular form of demand response.

More recently, we have begun working with other stakeholders to compile and provide a new resource – which we intend will grow to become an extensive reference to all the many and varied forms that demand response takes in Australia’s National Electricity Market:


We’re very keen for your input.  Call us (07 3368 4064) if you have suggestions.

Topic #2 – What might the “future grid” look like, with high levels of intermittency?

In the lead-up to All Energy, I progressively posted some pieces of analysis on WattClarity – with respect to the demand shape that might eventuate, the level of spillage that we might see, and what it means for the ramp rates required of scheduled generators.

Further detail is provided in the presentation above.

Should you wish to use the analysis we performed as your own starting point for more detailed analysis, we’d be happy to supply you our working files, for a small fee.   Here’s details of how you can access these.

Topic #3 – What role might Demand Response play?

We did not have much time to discuss this during the presentation, after working through the first 2 topics.  However I will be very interested to continue the discussion with you – either through comments online, or in person.

I hope that this material will prove of some value to you.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients. Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.

1 Comment on "What role might Demand Response play in a (possible) future grid featuring high levels of intermittency?"

  1. Off topic, but an issue of the Portland Observer newspaper last week reported the transfer of a 250 tonne transformer from the port of Portland to the Heywood switching yard. This is a key part of the Heywood Interconnector upgrade, which will add 190 MW of capacity. According to the AEMO website, it is due to go live in July 2016, but if the transformer is almost in place, perhaps it will go live early.

    This upgrade is a key reason for March closure of the coal-fired Northern power station, because it will enable additional cheap brown coal power from Victoria into the South Australian market. It will also enable additional wind power for SA into the Victorian market at times of excess generation.

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