Prices in South Australia and Victoria have been high this afternoon, jumping up over $2000/MWh in both states at 3pm NEM-time today. Watch the events unfold in this video using the playback function* in NEM-Watch (click the button in the bottom right to view full-screen):
*The playback function is a standard feature in all models of NEM-Watch.
Following yesterday’s warnings about the potential for a tight supply/demand balance in South Australia this week, it was not really a surprise when the SMS alerts from NEM-Watch began buzzing for the 07:20 dispatch interval this morning (NEM time), highlighting that the dispatch price in SA had jumped to $12,199.20/MWh. This has continued through the morning.
A quick look (ahead of time) at what looks set to be a very high level of electricity demand right across the NEM tomorrow evening, Friday 31st January 2020. Just in time for the Australian Open semi-finals.
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