AEMO forecasts LOR3 (i.e. controlled Load Shedding) for QLD on Monday evening 13th June 2022
AEMO's now forecasting load shedding for this evening ... Monday 13th June 2022
AEMO's now forecasting load shedding for this evening ... Monday 13th June 2022
First article on Monday 13th June 2022 with QLD under Administered Pricing - looking at not only QLD but also strange outcomes everywhere else...
At 22:40 the price exceeds $10,000/MWh in NSW, VIC and SA ... with QLD under Administered Pricing.
Available Generation in QLD has been quite the see-saw following the imposition of Administered Pricing on Sunday evening, 12th June 2022. This is the 3rd occasion this evening...
Volatility has ramped up in NSW, VIC, SA and TAS (particularly SA) with QLD under Administered Pricing.
Fifth article on Sunday 12th June takes a quick look at what's on (and what's not) in QLD this evening under AP with very tight margins.
Sunday evening 12th June in QLD and it's getting very, very tight...
A follow-on from Administered Pricing in QLD is the start of some head-scratching market outcomes ... such as this spike in South Australia.
A quick article Sunday evening as the Cumulative Price for the QLD region skyrockets ever so close to the Cumulative Price Threshold...
Recap of some transmission trips overnight in TAS ... coincident with severe weather.
In his first guest authored article on WattClarity, Jack Fox reports some initial observations from a review of the Non Financial Obligation (NFO) data that's been published since
Declan Kelly thinks through and discusses competition issues that could arise from the increasing proliferation of auto-bidding software by big batteries in the NEM - and suggests some...