AEMC publishes ‘How to lodge a claim for compensation’
Might be useful to some of our readers...
Might be useful to some of our readers...
The outlook continues to get worse and worse... forecast load shedding extended to NSW this evening and into QLD tomorrow as well.
A quick tabular list of the 7 cases overnight where QLD saw 'Actual LOR2' and/or yo-yo Available Generation
AEMO's updated forecast for load shedding in QLD this evening is for an enormous amount (1,454MW)
Forecast load shedding in QLD this evening is growing more severe...
Here's one example of the steps being taken by AEMO (which would ordinarily be considered as not advisable) to match supply and demand in the NEM (and particularly...
AEMO's now forecasting load shedding for this evening ... Monday 13th June 2022
First article on Monday 13th June 2022 with QLD under Administered Pricing - looking at not only QLD but also strange outcomes everywhere else...
At 22:40 the price exceeds $10,000/MWh in NSW, VIC and SA ... with QLD under Administered Pricing.
Available Generation in QLD has been quite the see-saw following the imposition of Administered Pricing on Sunday evening, 12th June 2022. This is the 3rd occasion this evening...
Declan Kelly thinks through and discusses competition issues that could arise from the increasing proliferation of auto-bidding software by big batteries in the NEM - and suggests some...
Prompted by a question by a client in a training session for a new ez2view user, guest author Allan O'Neil has written 2,940 words to explain the price...