What’s going on with Victorian electricity demand?
A question, about why Victorian electricity demand seems to be trending lower and lower…
A question, about why Victorian electricity demand seems to be trending lower and lower…
The three main flaws that put boundaries on the usefulness of all forecasting/modelling
Putting another cat amongst the pigeons, energy sector unions at Loy Yang A have announced Industrial Action at the station over Christmas.
Another LOR2 Market Notice issued for South Australia
After an AEMO notice of Low Reserve Condition this summer and next in the south, I had a quick look…
South Australia was electrically islanded from the eastern part of the NEM for a number of hours overnight. Here’s a quick (early morning) look at some of what happened.
In pulling together this article in November 2024 [LINK TO COME] we came across a curious time from October to November 2016 that saw all 4 Eraring units offline for an overlapped period of about 4 weeks. My outsourced memory…
Articles relating to what happens across the NEM through summer 2016-17
Head’s up for what might be a new record maximum electricity demand on Friday – so early in summer…
Can you help me understand this apparent (and large) disconnect between words and actions in the GreenPower space?
Engie’s announced closure of Hazelwood reflected as a big step change reduction in available capacity in Victoria at the end of March 2017.
In reality, it’s impossible to “know” what the price outcomes would be when Hazelwood closes. Here’s some reasons why…
Transformation in the electricity industry is occurring at an astounding rate. What’s more, it’s happening globally and Australia is pretty much ground zero. As a result, a new energy ecosystem is emerging. Accenture has recently released three reports which cover different aspects of this new ecosystem. These are the ‘New Energy Consumer’ report, ‘Digitally Enabled Grid’ report and the combined report for the ENA and CSIRO titled ‘Insights from Global Jurisdictions and Evolving Business Models’.
Wind speeds up during the blackout of September 28th in South Australia
First attempt to try to piece together events leading up to the blackout in South Australia on Wed 28th September 2016
Power’s out across South Australia on the afternoon of Wednesday 28th September
Some initial thoughts following articles about the mooted closure of Hazelwood Power Station as early as April 2017.
Articles about Spring in the NEM – September, October, November 2016
Some thoughts about the possible uplift to Infigen Energy revenues, stemming from higher forward contract prices in the South Australian region of the NEM
Quick snap of Ararat Wind Farm starting up in August.