No Guarantee of Success
Our guest author, Allan O’Neil, poses a number of questions about the recently proposed “National Energy Guarantee” (NEG)
Our guest author, Allan O’Neil, poses a number of questions about the recently proposed “National Energy Guarantee” (NEG)
Our guest author, Rob Davis, looks at what might emerge for summer 2017-18 given the La Nina outlook, and prior distributions of Cooling Degree Days for Victoria and South Australia
My sense is that we, the voting public, are Villains #2 in running the energy transition train off the tracks.
First up in our listing of Villains in relation to the unfolding energy crisis are, of course, our political leaders – State and Federal, past, present and prospective.
A multi-layered energy crisis is upon us. I’ve identified 10 “root causes” (or “villains”) that have each played key roles in the way in which our energy transition has run off the rails.
Quick look at how Gullen Range solar has gone, since it started on 14th September.
Reading an article in the Courier Mail on Saturday I was struck by the use of two particularly odd examples to support a case for retention of government ownership of electricity generation.
Here’s a chronological record of key aspects of government involvement in the generation sector within Queensland.
Some quick thoughts about the comparison being made by others between two ageing coal-fired power stations (Liddell power station in NSW and the Muja A&B stations in the SWIS of WA)
Guest author, Andrew Bonwick, posts his thoughts on a range of challenges confronting us in this energy transition.
[PART 2 of] a post by guest author, Bruce Miller – which was initially posted on LinkedIn as one piece, but which has been broken into two on WattClarity as each part serves different purposes.
[PART 1 of] a post by guest author, Bruce Miller – which was initially posted on LinkedIn as one piece, but which has been broken into two on WattClarity as each part serves different purposes.
Following from my August update, here’s two developments we have seen in relation to retail & networks regulation.
Our first look at trended LGC production (aggregated by state/territory) and LGC spot prices (monthly average), now possible in NEMreview v7, generates a number of questions…
It was inevitable that Semi-Scheduled plant would start to experience times when they are dispatched down. It’s a big prompt to take next steps up the learning curve.
One of the challenges in analysis is to even be conscious of the need to ascertain “what might have otherwise been”.
An article that sums up some decidedly un-quick calculations we’ve performed – looking over an 8 week period to 13th September to estimate how much wind power has been curtailed by the AEMO.
A quick look at the scale of the challenge, if Mt Piper were to be forced to close following a court challenge to coal supplies upstream
Some initial analysis by our guest author, Allan O’Neil, about what AEMO’s Statement of Opportunities 2017 is saying in terms of this coming summer 2017-18
A brief explainer of what “Unserved Energy” (or USE) actually means, in the context of the AEMO “Electricity Statement of Opportunities 2017” (ESOO) released this week.