LOR2 notices continue to flash for NSW and QLD for this Thursday 7th Nov 2024
A quick look at market notices and our forecast convergence widget in ez2view, to check in with projected tight market conditions this coming Thursday in NSW and QLD.
A quick look at market notices and our forecast convergence widget in ez2view, to check in with projected tight market conditions this coming Thursday in NSW and QLD.
Frank Calabria (CEO of Origin) spoke at a CEDA Lunch in Sydney on Monday 4th November 2024. Here's what he said.
In Part 3 of this Case Study, we look specifically at the 12 dispatch intervals at the start of the ‘Evening blast of spot price volatility in South...
At 08:53 on Monday morning 4th November 2024, AEMO published MN119852 looking forwards to this coming Sunday 10th November 2024 and a (first ever?) forecast MSL2 condition for...
There was an ‘Evening blast of spot price volatility in South Australia on Monday 23rd September 2024’ ... roughly 6 weeks ago. Today, for several reasons, we start...
I’m not sure we’ve ever had an Actual MSL1 event before, so worth a quick note referencing Market Notice MN119760 published at 11:49 noting an Actual MSL1 in...
Worth a short note, given the alerts from ez2view have continued to buzz in recent days, as the AEMO continues to update forecast LOR2 warnings for both QLD...
Friday afternoon 1st November 2024 our copies of ez2view did alert us to the restart of the STWF1 unit, just prior to the 16:40 dispatch interval (NEM time).
With the AEMO's overview of its Minimum System Load 'hot off the press' on Friday 1st Nov 2024 - there's forecasts for MSL1 on Sat 2nd, Sun 3rd...
The AEMO’s publication today (Fri 1st Nov 2024) of their ‘Victorian Minimum System Load Procedure Overview’ 3-page PDF document will be well received.
Some wobbles in System Frequency (NEM mainland) through the middle of the day on Thursday 31st October 2024 stick out, and will be progressively explored.
A brief look into whether rooftop PV forecast were the driver behind the demand forecast glitch on 29 October 2024.
James Tetlow of Overwatch Energy shares this article which is adapted from his presentation about BESS operations in the NEM at the recent All-Energy conference in Melbourne.
As of 8:41pm Broken Hill time (ACDT) 31 Oct, Transgrid confirmed the power line linking Broken Hill to the HV transmission network was energised.
A short (and belated) article with respect to a sizeable error in P30 predispatch forecast for ‘Market Demand’ in QLD on Tuesday evening 29th October 2024;
AEMO says ... at 12:00 on Thursday 31st October 2024, the Buronga No.4 330kV synchronous condenser has been commissioned
Some good news I saw (on Wednesday morning 30th Oct 2024) was that Broken Hill might be reconnected to the wider grid (albeit on the temporary towers for...
Prompted by a client question, here's a quick look at some of the Project Energy Connect (PEC Stage 1) related constraint sets.
A map of where the eight separate transmission tower incidents have occurred over the past five years.
AEMO’s broadcast today of an MSL1 alert for a weekday next week (albeit Melbourne Cup) is notable