Comparing winter temperatures at Archerfield over 19 years of history
A couple days after the end of 'winter 2024' the temperature has dropped by 10 degrees in Archerfield. We take a look at how temperatures in Archerfield through...
A collection of articles pertaining to Winter 2024
A couple days after the end of 'winter 2024' the temperature has dropped by 10 degrees in Archerfield. We take a look at how temperatures in Archerfield through...
Whilst not reaching the heights of curtailment of Semi-Scheduled Large Solar, on Sunday 1st September 2024 curtailment of Wind yield across the NEM reached as high as 54%.
Stratospheric warming over Antarctica may have helped bring about the extended period of strong winds in the southern NEM regions.
Saturday 31st August 2024 also sees AEMO issue a Severe Weather Warning for Tasmania
Saturday 31st August 2024 saw warm temperatures and high rooftop PV yield contribute to a new low point for 'Market Demand' in NSW
An article from Weatherzone prompts a look (via ez2view) at forecast aggregate Wind Farm Capability in the coming days - we might come close to a new record.
With winter having a concerted last blast (or having launched straight into summer in northern Australia) it's strange times indeed.
A short record of some large curtailment of Large Solar resource on Saturday 24th August 2024.
Guest author Allan O'Neil examines some recent episodes of price volatility (particularly 30th July to 5th August 2024) and whether they were driven by a shortage of supply,...
The wet weather in Queensland has impacted solar energy production.
The role of gas for firming electricity supply, alongside general consumption, means gas storage levels at Iona continue to be critical in the helping to meet our current...
Following on from earlier articles about price volatility on Tue 30th July 2024 (particularly in South Australia), guest author Allan O'Neil takes a closer look at the operation...
Curiosity drove us to take this initial (and very quick) look at bidding behaviour, NEM-wide, across the past 14 days in relation to recent NEM-wide price volatility.
A short initial article, 5 days after Callide C3 came offline again for another forced outage ... during a period that's seen multi-region spot price volatility.
A quick snapshot of evening volatility across the NEM on Wednesday 31st July 2024.
Following recent market volatility, here's a quick look at the current trend of Cumulative Price for each region.
A short examination of some of the over-arching factors at play yesterday evening - where prices spiked above $3,000/MWh in all five regions simultaneously.
Already this evening we’ve seen a rare occurrence of price spikes in all five NEM regions simultaneously.
The South Australian region is seeing a run of high prices, starting just after 6pm this evening.
On Wednesday 24th July 2024, the AEMO and AER *both* published their quarterly reviews of 2024 Q2 ... here are some quick notes for future reference.